Unite and Act Globally on October 15th: United For Global Change

On October 15th it is our chance to unite globally.

“We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers who do not represent us

People throughout the world are seeking change and asking for relief from oppressive systems and governments.  Just look at the Occupy Wall Street actions and the US citizens being arrested from East coast to West coast protesting against the big banker and silent politicians.

The Unite Globally website shows the list of sites worldwide with planned events.  Show your support for the struggles of the common man & woman.  Share the poster below.  Post it on your site, send it to your friends and tweeters, print it and hand it out.

Learn and tell others.  We can create global change if we unite.

“We are not goods in the hands of politicians and bankers who do not represent us

The live streaming website is here.

Click here for a list of October 15th Unity Day events worldwide.

Events in the United States of America include:

Washington D.C. starting on October 6th.  Their website is here and includes videos, a blog, and a toolkit

A Facebook page is here.

“Stop the machine!  Create a new world.”.

October 12th:

The 1% controls economies throughoput the world: The 99% are a slumbering giant who are beginning to stir in the U.S. and in other countries as well.

Join together on October 15th and send a message of unity!!

Much more at the link in both English and Spanish.

In New York City, Occupy Wall Street and others will Take Times Square.  More to come, check the link.